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Should I buy text links?

Friday Jan 08, 2010

Many marketing companies and individual businesses often question whether they should buy text links and there is no clear cut answer. The key to link building is finding highly relevant websites to place your links on, especially with the ever changing search engine algorithm (i.e. Google Caffeine).

If you do decide to buy links because you cannot acquire them on highly relevant / authoritative Web sites on your own, here is some criteria to look for:

1. First and foremost, check how many other one-way text links appear on the page. Most often, you do not want your link on pages that have more than 15 links, as PageRank (PR) is shared between the links.

2. Look at the other types of links that are on the page. If they are linking to off-site topics or spam type sites, then stay away from putting your links on those types of sites.

3. Check the inbound link structure of the Web site to see what types of sites are linking into it.

4. Check how long the Web site has been living on the Web. Sites that have been around longer are generally viewed more favorably by the search engines.

There are many other factors that go into selecting the right websites to buy text links on. If you would like to learn more feel free to contact us.

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