Can text links hurt your Web site?Monday Apr 19, 2010
When pursuing a text link campaign, make sure you do no put text links on sites that are completely unrelated to what you are offering or look quite spammy in nature. A spammy site is generally one that has many offsite links and those links relate to topics all across the board (including gambling and pornography, which you do not want to be associated with. There are many blogs out there that fit this mold, so in the ideal situation try and make sure you review all links before placing them.
Additionally, if you ever do you search engine rankings start to dip, you may want to try removing your most recent text link placement to see if that has any effect. As a rule of thumb, take a look at the last thing you did and work backwards from that.
Overall, your best bet is to review all sites first before placing text links on them to ensure they are of high quality and are contextually relevant.

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