Text link building criteriaThursday Feb 25, 2010
When putting together a text link building campaign, there are certain criteria that you should be looking out for. Here are the top five (5) must haves:
1. Steer clear of sites that have pornographic or gambling links, as these often can be red flagged by the search engines
2. Find sites that have a lot of content that is updated regularly. The more regularly content is updated, the more often the Web site will be spidered by the search engines.
3. Link placement is quite important. You don't want your links to be consistently at the bottom of each Web page, but rather in different places on different sites.
4. Ask single or sitewide. There is nothing wrong with sitewide links if done in moderation. You don't want all of your links to be sitewide, but if some of them are, than that will work out just fine.
5. Relevancy is king. The more relevant a site is, the more value that will be passed through your text links.
Other things to consider as well are how many links are currently on the Web site and how prominent the links are on the page.

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